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Grange Park School

Learning for Life - Personalised Pathways for All

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SCERTS is embedded across all year groups at Grange Park School. SCERTS assessments are completed in line with the EHCP process to show progress that pupils have made in their social communication and emotional regulation and help us set relevant and developmentally appropriate targets for each individual.

  • SCERTS is a family-centred approach designed for pupils with ASC. The whole team around the pupil is involved in the assessment. This comprises of teachers, learning mentors, the therapy team and, of course, parents / carers.
  •   It enables us to create a plan based on our knowledge of the core developmental challenges faced by pupils with ASC. 
  •   The aim is create meaningful and motivating goals for pupils based on functional needs and family priorities.
  • SCERTS provides specific guidelines to help pupils become competent and confident social communicators and active learners.

What does SCERTS stands for?


SC - Social Communication: the development of spontaneous and functional communication, emotional expression and secure and trusting relationships with children and adults.

ER - Emotional Regulation: the development of the ability to maintain a well-regulated emotional state to cope with everyday stress, and to be most available for learning and interacting.

TS - Transactional Support: the use of supports to help the people supporting the young person (family members, teachers, therapists) respond to their needs and interests, modify the environment, and provide tools to enhance learning.   


What does the data tell us so far?

Our first set of assessment data shows improvements in Social Communication and Emotional Regulation across all year groups in the school, with the greatest improvement in Social Communication. Further analysis of social and emotional growth profiles show that Flexibility and Resilience is the most improved indicator across year groups.