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Grange Park School

Learning for Life - Personalised Pathways for All

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Key Stage 5 Bonus Points Feedback

Thank you to all the parents who took the time to respond to the survey regarding bonus points for Key Stage 5.


This was such a great initiative introduced by Miss Dobney, and we are so pleased that it has had a positive impact.


For parents who are unaware; in KS5, pupils have the opportunity to earn bonus points. Each term there is a reward trip to encourage them to earn this, for example, a trip to the Natural History Museum. Pupils who earn enough bonus points get to attend the trip.


Pupils earn bonus points by showing independence round the school. They may do this by doing something extra and helpful, or even by doing something without being asked by an adult.


Feedback from KS5 parents so far has been overwhelmingly positive.


Currently we have no suggestions for improvement but please do let us know if you have any!