The aim of our curriculum is for pupils to have the requisite skills to be successful, independent and motivated learners in readiness for their next stage of education.
At Grange Park School all our children have an equal entitlement to knowledge. The inventive design of our curriculum and its high-quality implementation are integral to our core purpose of developing learning for life and creating personalised pathways for all of our pupils.
Knowledge in isolation from life experience has limited value and impact. Poorly-sequenced knowledge can cause uncertainty and confusion. We believe that knowledge must be embedded, developed and reinforced to ensure that our students use their knowledge to make informed lifelong decisions.
As they progress through the school, students’ knowledge-application and wisdom grow, teaching them new independence, resilience and character at every stage of their development.
We encourage students and staff not to be afraid to make mistakes. Life is a journey and we learn new knowledge and new application techniques after every mistake we make.
At Grange Park School we offer rich learning opportunities. Building upon close liaison programmes with feeder schools, we continue to develop firm foundations in the basics of literacy, numeracy and communication skills so that all young people can benefit from a broad, enriched curriculum and a wide range of opportunities.
We provide a purposeful learning environment which young people respond to and enjoy. We are committed to sustaining a school where pupils learn together about the meaning and value of community and the importance of lifelong learning.
Our curriculum is designed to be flexible to allow for personalised learning. All pupils in Key Stage 3 follow a curriculum which fully prepares them for Key Stage 4 qualifications in Year 11.
Key Stage 2 (Years 5 and 6)
In Years 5 & 6, we ensure all pupils study as broad a range of subjects as possible. These include:
Maths, English, Science, , Music, History, Geography, Design Technology, Computing, World Citizens (RE), Outdoor Learning, Performing Arts, Foreign Languages and PE.
In Year 6, all pupils sit The Standard Assessment Tests (otherwise known as SATs) to check your child’s knowledge of the National Curriculum. The tests are compulsory for Year 6 pupils and they are used to assess pupil's against age-related expectations. These tests are always in May.
Curriculum skills and knowledge are taught progressively, in line with the National Curriculum requirements, and are embedded within the curriculum as a whole; opportunities are planned to allow pupils to apply and develop key skills across the curriculum to help pupils deepen their skills, knowledge and understanding. We plan a range of opportunities for enhancement and enrichment to ensure the curriculum is engaging and meaningful.
For further information about our Primary curriculum, please contact Mr Aidan Phipps.
Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9)
In Years 7 to 9, we ensure all pupils study as broad a range of subjects as possible. These include:
Maths, English, Science, Art and Design, Performing Arts, History, Geography, Design and Technology, Food Technology, Textiles, Computing, World Citizens, PE and PSHE.
Some pupils study Level 1 accredited courses in Year 9 in ICT and Food Technology. In addition to the core subjects, all Key Stage 3 pupils have a weekly Grange Park Time lesson which focus on skills for the wider community and independence.
Pupils in Key Stage 3 also have enriching activities each week. During these sessions, pupils complete activities on a rotation including; outdoor learning, life skills, and intervention with our therapy team.
Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11)
All pupils study a core curriculum of English, Maths, Science, PE and Personal Growth and Wellbeing. All pupils are entered into accredited courses in English, Maths and Science (at GCSE, Entry Level or Functional Skills depending on ability). Students study three options subjects which are chosen from an initial list of 24 subjects. This process happens in Year 9 and subjects which are offered are based upon pupil’s aspirations, and therefore they change each year. In 2022-2023, pupils had the opportunity to complete 18 different accreditations in 15 different subject areas. A full list of the courses and qualifications offered can be found on the tabs to the left.
Key Stage 5 (Years 12, 13 and 14)
At Key Stage 5, the curriculum focuses on the student’s individual aspirations along with their academic needs to ensure that they are able to work towards becoming independent adults. Students have the option to stay at the Wrotham site or move to one of our partnership sites in Year 12, 13 or 14.
KS5 @ Wrotham
KS5 @ Mid Kent College