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Grange Park School

Learning for Life - Personalised Pathways for All

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At Grange Park the entire school participates in an enrichment programme where pupils can choose from a range of varied activities. We use staff experience and expertise to lead different activities that pupils would not participate in during National Curriculum lessons. Some of the activities on offer are swimming, bowling, ice skating, archaeology, arts and crafts and walking. Our pupils can participate in these activities at quieter times and with lower sensory input which allows them to develop their confidence and self- esteem when in the wider community.


We feel it is important for our pupils to develop many softer skills such as team work, determination, curiosity and perseverance as well as practising life skills such as using public changing rooms and asking for their equipment from members of the public. Pupils have a chance to contribute ideas to the enrichment programme through the school council and form discussions. They also select their chosen activity 3 times per year allowing them to overcome particular anxieties and trying new things.


The enrichment programme feeds into the SCERTs programme that we use at Grange Park School which is a measure of pupils; social membership and friendships, independence, cooperation and appropriateness, flexibility and resilience, active learning and organisation, sense of others, sense of self and happiness. Pupil progress across these areas is supported by the weekly enrichment lessons. Pupils report that they enjoy the enrichment programme and like having a pupil voice over the offered activities.