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Grange Park School

Learning for Life - Personalised Pathways for All

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Following the Ofsted inspection on the 11th October 2016, Grange Park has been judged to be a "good" school. Although we are working hard to be "outstanding" the inspectors recognised that Grange Park had made significant progress since the last inspection, and the reports can be found here:


2015/2016 Academic Year Inspection Report

2011/2012 Academic Year Inspection Report


Below are some of the comments from the Lead Inspector about Grange Park School.


"Nearly all pupils exceed expected progress from their various starting points.”


“Because of the strong progress pupils make, they are able to access an increasing range of accreditation, and in some subjects standards are rising year on year.”


“The school makes a dramatic difference to pupils’ personal development and behaviour from the time they start in the youngest classes to when they leave at the end of their time in college.  You provide extremely well for pupils’ welfare and safety. The school enables pupils to access learning and achieve within a safe environment so that they blossom into young adults who are better equipped to face the challenges that life may bring.”


“During their time at your school, pupils quickly develop skills for life that help to prepare them for their onward journey, especially through access to college which helps students to mature as young adults and take increased responsibility for themselves.”


“There has been a considerable improvement in the quality of teaching since the last inspection so that it is now consistently good throughout the school.”


“Governors now make a substantial contribution to the school’s capacity to improve further.”


“Leaders, including governors, have cultivated a safe culture in which pupils prosper.  This is underpinned by the depth of knowledge staff have about all pupils and students, who are nurtured and encompassed by care.”


“…staff understand the guidance and are confident to undertake their duty to protect pupils.  They do it exceptionally well.”


“Pupils feel safe in school and understand how to keep themselves safe online.  They know that staff and their parents are available to help them if they are worried.”


“The longer pupils have been at Grange Park School, the more positive and engaged in learning they become.  This is testament to the encouraging and aspiring culture and atmosphere within the school that has been fostered by all staff.”


“Staff are calm and resilient in their approach to helping pupils to manage their behaviour and emotions more effectively.  As a result, pupils know what is expected of them and respond to guidance from staff.  Underneath this is a foundation of positive relationships and staff who know the needs of each child exceptionally well.”